Monday, September 19, 2005

Kickin' Wit Da Peeps

This past weekend, I introduced a new acquaintance to a group of my friends. During the course of general conversation, where he was being given a mishmash of friendship history, the word "peeps" came up, and one of my friends said "Have you told him about "The Peeps?" I had not, but I did. This isn't exactly the kind of thing you want to dump on someone new, but he was amused and asked to hear more.

I suppose it began one Spring when I asked my brother to drop by with his chainsaw as I had a dead dogwood branch that needed taking out. I had made up an Easter basket, and with the other candies I had tucked (for tradition's sake) some Peeps. If you don't know what a Peep is, it is that tiny pastel colored chick made of marshmallow, and it's the kind of thing that begs to be tossed, batted, mangled or tortured...anything but consumed.

         MARSHMALLOW PEEPS®: Welcome to the official website of   MARSHMALLOW PEEPS®




After having successfully defined "peeps", The Peeps  research "peep show."

A pink Peeps went outside with us, and I took a picture of my brother chainsawing it. I left another one in a tree where the squirrels ignored it until time and weather finally had their way with it.


When I showed my friends the picture of the chainsawed Peeps, they loved it, and Peep fever took over.  Shortly after this, our group was invited to another friend's wedding in Philadelphia and Peeps went with us.  Peeps visited the Liberty Bell, Freedom Plaza, Rodin's statue of "The Thinker," and they even went in a bar where they drank martinis and got drunk.  Right behind this, my friend Tony went to Key West and yes, Peeps were packed for their holiday in the sun. Beach, more booze and birds:










   "I got so wasted on Duval Street. I kept doing Chicken Drops all

   night."  (part Jager, part peach schnapps, part orange juice)

For a while I went off on a real trail of weirdness and did experiments with Peeps which mainly consisted of me blowing them up in the microwave:


Others have taken it much further:    Peeps, Smoking & Alcohol


                          Peeps kicking ash

I suppose it's true of any group of friends--you'll go off on weird little tangents, do playful things, have little inside jokes. Frankly, until they were mentioned the other night, I had forgotten all about Peeps. Luckily, our newest group member had a good sense of humor, and he enjoyed the stories and even begged for some pictures. So new peep....and Peeps...this page is for you:


                   ...and you thoughtI'd forgotten about you.




***  Remember:  You can also find Washington Cube at:

Washington Cube





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