Tuesday, September 6, 2005

Would You Prefer Breast...Or Thigh?

A friend of mine sent me a link today regarding a news story out of Thailand. An art student has been baking realistic human remains out of dough. What appears to be putrefying body parts are actually sculpture. 28-year old art student, Kittwat Unarrom, wants his work to force people into pondering whether they are consuming food, or if the food is consuming them. Along with edible human heads, Unarrom also creates human arms, feet, and chicken and pig parts, using anatomy books to guide his craft.

This work is actually part of Kittwat's final dissertation at school, which he hopes will secure him a degree. "When people see the bread, they don't want to eat it. But when they taste it, it's bread." That's a knotted Challah of a philsophy. I wonder if his dissertation involves an oral defense? And his degree...Kittwat Unarrom, B.A. (Baker of Anatomy). With honors...Summa Cum Lateral Condyle.




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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Now you can put a foot of bread into your mouth instead of your own.  I wonder...would the zombies from George Romero's world be fooled or furious?

>^, ,^<