Thursday, July 21, 2005

String Beans Redux



                                          JUST SAY NO !!!


Memoof:  To Cubic's Friends

Re:  Garden Surplus

Dear Friends: 


Yesterday, I had green beans for lunch, and green beans again at dinner, and I was sick last night (so much for healthy eating), and I've been off since then.  Today was one long water purge to cleanse out my system.  Naturally, I went out for cocktails later to detoxify and nourish my intestinal tract.'s MY theory, ok?  Alcohol is one of the tiers in the revised food pyramid, isn't it?  I managed to pull it together for happy hour (which I will write about shortly), and now I'm back to drinking huge glasses of ice water and feeling fine as frog hair.

Postscript:  All of that stuff you gave me?  I tossed it.  Out.  Gone. ....but thanks for thinking of me.








Anonymous said...

But what about fresh Catnip?  It cures all and it is good for me...I mean you :-)

>^, ,^<

Anonymous said...

:::tossing catnip mousie out into the room for naughty Wrethy:::

Anonymous said...

My father-in-law used to say, "You can drown in water but alcohol is a preservative." Do what you think is best, Cube!


Anonymous said...

it's a BEANATINI!  congrats!