Sunday, August 21, 2005

Guest Blogger:Tony No Drinking, Please...Except Jäger Bombs


My guest blogger, Tony, found this sign in a park.  Here's his take on things:

"I've been noticing these signs at various parks in the Capitol Hill area, but I've always forgotten to bring along a camera for a shot.  Today I got it.  As most of us know, District of Columbia parks have rules, being funded by the government:  they close at dusk, and no one is allowed to be drinking in the park at any time.

This sign further elucidates by showing you cannot drink beer out of bottles or glasses, and it would appear cocktail drinking and martinis are also prohibited.  So, no more formal affairs in the park, please!  I love how they added an olive to the martini glass.  What about Appletinis?"


                            Palliatives Prohibited !!!





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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh darn!  I wanted to have a high-class champagne and weenie luncheon in the park!  I don't see and champagne bottles on that sign.  Moet anyone?

>^, ,^<